Buy Your Extension Springs Wholesale Online
Over 4,000 Spring Designs in Stock
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Definition: Stock extension springs sold at lower prices when the quantity ordered is increased. The more a customer orders, the cheaper the springs will be.
Find extension spring wholesale at where our stock extension spring wholesale prices may begin from 10 to 100 pieces depending on the design. It is a great option when you are going into the production stage of your device or application and need to order larger production quantities. If you are barely starting though, you may also buy stock extension springs at retail prices. You can easily find extension spring wholesale using our reliable spring search engine.
The spring finder will only require for you to enter two dimensions which would be your extension spring's outer diameter and length inside hooks. You may decide if you would prefer to input the dimensions in the english or metric system of measurement. Make an advanced search by clicking on the option and adding a few more of your spring's dimensions such as wire diameter, travel required, spring rate, initial tension, and/or the required load. You will receive various results of springs with similar dimensions to the ones you input. If you aren't sure of which spring to choose, you may input the dimensions into our online spring calculator and compare your design to that of one of the stock springs.
Our online extension spring calculator, Spring Creator, will calculate your extension spring's rate as well as its capabilities to perform under your required loads and distance traveled. It is able to calculate all of this with only a few of your extension spring's physical dimensions such as type of hooks, wire diameter, outer diameter, length inside hooks, and material type. A section will be provided where you may also calculate your spring's working loads so that you may know how much distance of travel your spring can achieve under your required load and vice versa. Once you have completed your design, the calculator will provide you with stock spring suggestions of the closest extension spring designs in stock giving you the opportunity to order extension spring wholesale on the spot. On the other hand, if you weren't able to find the spring you want, you may send us a request for quote by clicking on the "Quick Quote" option. This will send us your request along with all of your spring dimensions and a live blueprint of your spring.
In any case that you may need for your spring to have custom modifications, you may also send us a request for quote on large quantities to receive extension spring wholesale pricing. Stock springs will usually have regular machine hooks or cross over center hooks so if you are in need of a spring with extended hooks, this will be the best option for you.
For samples on prototype springs, you may speak to one of our representatives through the online chat or over the phone to request this service. You will not get the free samples from the start but if you place the order for our minimum order limit of $89, you may get the credit for this first order when you decide to place the order for a larger production quantity.