spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Length Inside Hook
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter your Outer Diameter and Total Coils
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

spring finder step 2

Step #2

Enter your Dimensions

Enter you Small Outer Diameter, Large Outer Diameter and Free Length
Hint: For larger search results, enter a bigger range of Min and Max Inputs

Spring Creator 5.0 - Step by step how to use the tool



Welcome to Spring Creator 5.0 "The Future of Spring Design Calculation" The revolutionary tool for precise spring design. Easily calculate and design various types of springs while accessing relevant information. Follow our simple steps to harness the full potential of this powerful tool. Create your springs efficiently and effectively now!

Spring Creator 5.0 Instructions

Select your Spring Type:


Select your Unit of Measure: English or Metric


Select your design type: Exact or Range 

Clicking on exact design will give you one exact spring design.

Clicking on Range Design will give you multiple Spring designs: Meaning you will get Stronger and Weaker Spring designs to choose from.



For this example, we will choose “compression Spring and a "Exact Design"

Enter the dimensions of your compression spring in the inputs you see in the example:

First we will select in the Wire Diameter dropdown, the size of the spring we need for our project, then you can choose between the size of the Outer Diameter of the spring or its Inner Diameter, and finally select the Free Length and the Total Coils of your spring



Pick your material type:

Music Wire, Stainless Steel 302, Stainless Steel 17-7, Chrome Silicon, Oil Tempered, Hard Drawn, Phos-Brnx grd A, Beryllium Cooper, Stainless Steel 316 or Carbon Valve


Choose your End Type:

Closed and Squared, Closed and Ground, Double Closed or  Open


Choose your springs wind direction: Rigth Hand  or Left Hand


Click Calculate:


You can also click "Reset Form" to clear all values from every field and start a new spring design from scratch.


Your spring design is being calculated and the 3D Spring graphics are being generated. Please Wait 15 seconds. 


Next, a message will appear that will tell you if your design has warnings or if it is well done and will proceed to show you the spring information.


If your spring has some warnings, you can click on the right side of the screen, on the tab that says Force Chart, here you will find relevant information to know what parameter you have to move to have an ideal design of your spring.



You will see 6 tabs.

Preview Springs and Specs, prices,blueprint/specsheet, force tester, similar springs in stock, weaker and stronger springs.



1.- The first tab shows your exact spring design in 3D.

Move the spring around 360 degrees with your mouse or touchscreen to see all angles of your spring.

Scroll down below and your able to.

Download your springs 3D CAD File in normal free length (if no value is input) or Download your springs CAD File with loaded height or distance traveled.

3D Spring CAD files types supported include: CREO, IGES, STEP, SAT, X_T .

Scroll a bit further and the "Email Formal Quote" button allows you to send yourself a formal custom spring quotation straight to your inbox. 

To the left you can "Select the quantity of springs you want" simply enter the quantity in the box and add them to the shopping cart.

To the upper right of the tab you will see all the specs for your spring, i.e. Part Number, Spring Rate, max load, max travel. This valuable information shows every spring dimension along with the force and distance (deflection) your spring can achieve.



2.- The second tab is the "Prices Tab''

which shows us all spring pricing from 25 pieces up to 25,000 pieces.



3.- The third tab is the "Blueprint/Specsheet tab"

This tab gives you an editable and downloadable 3D PDF Blueprint/Spec Sheet of your custom spring.

You can edit and enter your custom L1 or L2 loads for your spring and click "Update Blueprint" and your L1 and L2 spring loads will appear on your custom blueprint. If you enter a load within the limits of the maximum load or enter a loaded height the unknown value will be automatically calculated for you.

Click "Edit Blueprint" So you can edit your blueprints revision or even add custom notes to your spring blueprint. 

Click "Download Specsheet" lets you download your custom springs blueprint in PDF format. 



4.- The fourth tab "Spring Force Tester"

Lets you see your springs potential energy in motion. Discover your springs maximum safe load and maximum safe travel in a real time animation of your spring. See what force your spring is capable of before you spend a penny.

Simply pause the animation and see the load @ loaded height or see your springs distance traveled. This valuable tool lets you see how much safe travel or deflection your spring can achieve without spring failure. You can click play or step forward or step backward. Play with the force of your spring and manipulate the distance your spring travels to see if your spring design is up to the task.

Enter a Load within the limits of the Maximum Load or enter a Loaded Height. The unknown value will be calculated for you when you click the tab button. 

The Online Spring Force Tester is a first of its kind for you can now see what your spring can and can't do in terms of spring force and spring displacement, travel and deflection.



5.- Fifth tab "Similar Springs in Stock.

This tab shows you all the similar springs we have "In Stock".

The table shows all specs of all similar stock springs and lets you choose a more economical stock spring option.

From spring prices to springs that ships today, you can click on the spring images for a 3D Visual of that stock spring or click on the part number to see every specification of that spring along with prices, blueprints/specsheets and force testers for that stock spring. 

Find your stock spring fast with our "Filters for Easy Spring Finding" Just click on any parameter and filter results from" Equals, Less than equal too, Greater than equal to or between. These filters make spring finding quick and easy. By using our filters you can narrow down spring results from thousands to just the right spring you're looking for.



6.- Six tab, "Weaker/Stronger Springs".

Shows you a large selection of predesigned weaker and stronger springs based on the spring dimensions you provided.

The magic of Spring Creator is that it designs your springs while also designing hundreds of other designs at the same time.

The table provided in this tab gives you hundreds of different custom spring designs that are weaker or stronger that are around the same size spring you entered.  Thus giving you an abundant choice of custom spring options. Maybe the spring specs you entered were too weak then see all the stronger spring options in this table for a wide array of stronger spring designs. The magic of Spring Creator is that it designs your springs while also designing hundreds of other weaker and stronger designs at the same time. So you can pick the right spring and not have to go back and redesign again.



Find your custom spring fast with our "Filters for Easy Spring Finding"

Just click on any parameter and filter results from" Equals, Less than equal to, Greater than equal to or between. These filters make spring finding quick and easy. By using our filters you can narrow down spring results from thousands to just the right spring your looking for. 



You can click on the spring images for a 3D Visual of that custom spring or click on the part number to see every specification of that spring along with prices, lead times, blueprints/specsheets and force testers for that custom spring. 



If you have any questions or comments please email us at: info@springcreator.com

Thank you for choosing Spring Creator 5.0